Monday, November 30, 2015

On Your Left!

Biking in New York City has become very popular today. With the increase of bike lanes, new CitiBike locations, and the safety advocacy of groups like Transportation Alternatives, biking in NYC is a wonderful experience.

In case you are riding and you hear from behind, "On your left!" That means a biker is approaching and will pass you on your left side. Many are not used to this mode of communication because we are looking forward. Others respond better to bells and dings as alerts.

The "on your left" signal is a considerate and safety protocol for biking. Smart and safe bikers will use it. Those who reciprocate with a "Thank you" or "Okay" understand and do appreciate the effort. Its smart biking like managing speed and other safety measures.

What signals do teachers use in their classrooms to communicate what's coming next for students? How might they inform students their expectations? How can they help them navigate safely and smartly in their classroom and "cycle" towards success?

Effective teachers will do many of the following:

1. Have a daily agenda.

2. Use morning meetings to communicate a greeting and topics that will be learned.

3. Label clear, kid friendly objectives for all to see.

4. Use verbal and non-verbal signals to manage the classroom experience.

5. Have learning stations or centers where students can discover, explore, create and have choice.

6. Give consistent and encouraging feedback.

What are some ways you communicate as you "cycle" through the school year?

Share your thoughts and comments!

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