Sunday, January 22, 2017

How I Get and Stay Organized

Let me begin by saying that I am very organized at work.  As a Vice Principal, I must be organized and on time for my students, teachers, parents and for myself.  Organization also helps me plan and execute the daily operations of teaching and learning in my school.

Here are ways that I get and stay organized.

1. Go to sleep early.  The early bird gets the worm saying is so true.  If you want to reach your goals, get to bed early so you can wake up early. As a parent of three boys, my best time to be productive is early in the morning BEFORE my family wakes up.  You will be surprised how much you can accomplish.

2. Exercise.  Run, bike, dance, yoga, weights, or whatever it is.  Just do it.  It helps release endorphins and keeps one healthy.  Exercise is a key ingredient for healthy living and being organized.

3. Post it notes. They have to be my favorite invention.  These colorful squares help me post notes, phone numbers and important reminders anywhere I see fit.

4. Chart paper.  When I have lots to do, more than usual, I use large pieces of white chart paper.  The beginning of the school year in September and towards the end are two of my most busiest times. Chart papers help keep what is important a priority and "in my face" so I won't avoid or forget.

5. Routine, routine, routine.  I am a creature of habit and one thing I know is that I like habits.  I walk my school building at the same time everyday, except when there are special meetings or assemblies.

6. Phone reminders.  I love this feature because it gives me multiple reminders and I can set them based on days, hours or minutes.

7. Lots of alarms.  If I want to go to the gym in the morning, I set my phone and the alarm goes off multiple times.  I almost never wake up and get outta bed the first time the alarm goes off. I love this bedtime feature on my phone. It has helped me get and remain organized.

8. A watch that is one hour ahead.  If I have 60 minutes of lead time, I know I will never be late.  This can backfire but I know that I procrastinate a lot and try to fit in one more thing to do when I am busy. Yet, intentionally setting the time one hour ahead has helped me get things done and be organized.

9. Remembering a bad experience.  I had a memorable (bad) experience in college being tardy.  I always remember this because it taught me how to prioritize.  It also taught me that if I wanted to take on more responsibility, I had to act responsible.  This event marked me and I go back every so often as a humble reminder of how much I have grown.

10. Listen to others. I don't know if this is part of being organized or not but when you are on the move, you must listen to those you serve. This has helped me to stop and notice if I am being effective or not. It also reminds me never to put paper or procedures before people.

That's how I get and stay organized. How do you organize yourself?


  1. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  2. You are so welcome! I'm interested in how you organize too. Looking forward to your ideas.
