Monday, January 2, 2017

I Learned THAT in 2016


Every New Year people look back to reflect on what they have learned. Others see how much they have grown or need to grow. 

Many people look forward to see what they can change or pledge to themselves to do different. Here is my attempt to look back and then look and move forward. 

I want to thank my wife Barbara and my sons for always helping me be a better person. 

I also want to thank Claudio Burgaleta, SJ for accompanying me as my spiritual director. His wisdom and generosity made a real difference in 2016. 

Finally, I want to thank all those hundreds and hundreds of educators who helped shape my mindset via Twitter. I met so many people, professionals and leaders on this social platform. Muchas, muchas pero mil gracias for your energy, creativity, and passion. You made a difference in my life.  Connecting, learning, sharing and collaborating with you was a big change for me.

After looking back at 2016, here is my list of things I have learned and look forward to using in this new year:

1. I realized I do not need a title to make a difference. 

2. Be patient with myself and I will be patient with others. 

3. Trust others more. 

4. Listen to others. They matter and make me better if I listen more. 

5. I can do anything. If I practice. 

6. I have a voice. When I reflect and share, I let the world know that I have a voice. 

7. If I fail, I learn. 

8. God is simple. He is not complicated. I am the complicated one who resists, doubts and refuses to change. 

9. I remembered that if I forget about God, God will never forget about me. 

10. There is a gift in tears. 

11. If I look up I see more. And, when I do, I am with God. When I am with God, I am more. 

This is not a list of New Year resolutions or one words that will serve as a statement or reminder.  These are ingredients to something larger, bigger than me that is connected to people, places and moments in my life that I can point to and say, "I learned that in 2016."

Wishing you a happy, healthy and holy 2017.

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